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Author: Colin R. Turner

Colin R. Turner is an Irish author, speaker and founder of The Free World Charter, HonorPay and the Freeworlder free sharing network. His books F-Day: The Second Dawn Of Man and Into The Open Economy are consistent Amazon top 100 sellers.

Is It Time For A New Magna Carta?

On June 15th 1215, King John of England met a rebellious group of English barons in a meadow by the Thames to discuss peace terms in an effort to avert civil war. Deeply unpopular and his kingdom in turmoil, the king wasted little time in agreeing to the barons’ terms and affixing his royal seal to their Magna Carta Libertatum (Great Charter of the Liberties) – or Magna Carta as it later became known.

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911 and the Implosion of Common Sense

It seems to be a rite of passage that if you subscribe to the ideology of a money-free world, you must also believe that 911 was an ‘inside job’. There may be a few reasons for this. Firstly, Peter Joseph’s popular and controversial film ‘Zeitgeist’ (2007) which tackled 911, religion, the banking cartel and other challenges to mainstream thinking may have had a lot to do with it. The movie was a thrilling exposé which ultimately spawned The Zeitgeist Movement, other movies and books promoting a money-free philosophy.

But perhaps the link between the 911 ‘inside job’ conspiracy theory and the money-free ideology lies at the heart of where these kinds of conspiracies come from and how they take hold. But more on this later.

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F-Day book predicted Oprah for President: Is a world without money really next?

January 9, 2018 – ‘F-Day: The Second Dawn of Man’, an Amazon Kindle top 100 fictional story of the transition from our profit-driven reality to an open economy, may have more than just an element of prediction about it as it detailed the rise of an American chat show host to the dizzy heights of POTUS back in July 2016 when it was first published. Continue reading F-Day book predicted Oprah for President: Is a world without money really next?

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Interview with a Freeworlder: Who would be in charge? [3/3]

Who would be in charge?

No-one – and everyone!

The thing is to stop being dependent on outside agencies by becoming responsible and self-regulating. Once we assume ultimate responsibility for ourselves and others, we will always act in ways that serve each other in a positive way.Regulation is merely a blunt tool to stop people doing stupid or crazy things, but in a properly educated society, this is no longer necessary. We can cultivate appropriate behaviour through education, not brute force.

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Interview with a Freeworlder: How do we transition? [2/3]

What steps would be needed to transition towards this free world now?

There’s a bit of a chicken and egg thing going on here. Some people believe changing the environment will bring change in people. Others believe changing people’s behaviour must happen first. Of course, both are right to a degree. We are shaped by our environment, but we also shape our environment with our actions.

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Interview with a Freeworlder

Clearly the world is at a crossroads, with many groups claiming we need a radical system shake-up. But is a money-free world really the answer? More to the point, is it even possible? I discussed my take on these issues and tackled the tough questions in a recent interview. Here’s the full transcript…

First off, what is a ‘freeworlder’?

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How can you ask for money while promoting a money-free world?

I get asked this so many times that I thought maybe it’s time to write an article on it.

Of course, it’s an absolutely natural response for anyone to question the motives of someone like me who wants to promote a moneyless world, and then asks for money to do it. I get that. I really do. But I would ask those who pose the question to also extend that same empathy and see it from the opposite point of view. Continue reading How can you ask for money while promoting a money-free world?